Monday, September 5, 2016

Where is the law of attraction when a tsunami hits

Several people have written to me asking for help in understanding how the Law of Attraction is at work when something as serious as the tsunami in Asia occurs. If you are wondering the same thing, then this article may help you understand AND keep your own vibration high and clear. First, listen for stories of people who escaped or survived the tsunami. While the majority of news reports will focus on death and destruction, if you are listening for the positive, you'll hear about people who missed their flight to Asia, due to a snow storm in New England. You'll hear about people who decided to tour ancient ruins in the highlands. People will tell how their lives were saved despite being caught in the flood. Many people will wonder why they were NOT caught in the tsunami--that's Law of Attraction at work. Second, you don't have to spend hours listening and watching the news. You really don't. You know enough already to be aware of what is happening without getting caught up in the vibration of fear and panic, grief and despair. AND if you do watch it, soon you will begin to vibrate that same frequency of fear, panic, grief and despair and the Law of Attraction WILL deliver what you vibrate. No, you don't want to go there! So, watch a funny movie (yes, you can do that). Read a good novel. Do whatever you need to do to keep your vibration positive. "But what about all the people who died? Surely they didn't ask for that!" No, they didn't ask for this--not on a conscious level. But, let me ask you this question: Is it possible for the Universe, Law of Attraction or God to arrange for so many people to be in the precise place where they will all return to spirit at the same time? Right now, you are safe. If you are reading this article, you have electricity and a are fine. Repeat after me: "Today I am fine. Right now, I am safe." You are. "How can I help the people who are suffering right now?" Keep your thoughts focused on things that are positive and of high vibration. Visualize food and water reaching people, bringing relief to their bodies and gratitude to their hearts. Contribute financially to relief agencies if you want to help in a material way. And remember, Law of Attraction is always at work, whether we understand it or not. From "9-11" to wars, to tsunami floods, to joyous prosperity and celebrations. Everything vibrates and you attract into your life precisely what you are vibrating.

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