Sunday, September 25, 2016

Rss feeds and how to make search engines fall in love with your web site

As most Internet marketers know, writing articles can be very beneficiary to get more visitors to their web site. What not all of you might know, are the benefits of using other peoples articles to improve your search engine ranking. So let's see find out how that works. This article shows you a few steps to implement RSS Feeds on your web page, using these steps the right way will not only improve your web sites content, it will also make the search engines want to come back over and over again! Since the search engines just love fresh content, why not provide it to them? What are RSS Feeds? RSS according to most people stands for either, Rich Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication. It is a part of the internet meta language XML. These days it is used mostly to syndicate articles. When you create RSS Feeds they can be used by other web sites to promote them in their web sites environment. #1 Reason to use RSS Feeds on your web site. The best, and by far the best reason to use RSS Feeds on your web site is the fact that it makes the chosen content alive. What I mean is, you can choose several feeds on any subject you need, choose the amount of articles you want to display on your web site, and it gets automatically updated when someone submits a new article. Different Ways to Implement RSS Feeds. There are a few options available when you want to implement an RSS Feed on your website. It would either be HTML, Java or php. The only correct way to implement it, as far as I know, is with php. With HTML the content can be read by the search engines but since HTML is static it will not be updated automatically. For sure you don't want to do this by hand every single day!! Using Java script would mean that the article content does get updated, the only downside with this would be... The search engines won't be able to read the article content, this wouldn't do you any good would it. So php it has to be, when putting an RSS Feed on your web site with php, it does get updated every time a new article is submitted and it will be read by the search engines. THAT'S WHAT I CALL A WIN/WIN SITUATION!! How to use php on your web site. Ok, we are clear about the main reason why to use php. I can almost hear some people say, I have no idea how to do this!! Neither did I.. It's easy let's just start at the beginning. 1. You will need your own domain with a host which does support php. You can check the availability through your control panel provided by your hosting company. Otherwise just ask your hosting provider. 2. Once you've got your web site on a host which supports php you will have a bit of work to do. The page where you want to display the RSS Feeds needs to be changed from for example: " mydomain/index. html" to " mydomain/index. php" 3. When you have several pages on your web site and some of them link back to your home page, make sure that from now on you let them link back to the new index. php instead of index. html. 4. The hardest part is done!! Now you need a way to create rss feeds. A perfect web site which will write a piece of code for you is feeddigest Here you can just fill in which feed you would like to use and it will be written in php coding within seconds. To find great feeds I would suggest some of the following links. goarticles articletogo upublish. info 5. Copy and paste the piece of code created by feeddigest wherever you want the articles to appear on to your web page. I would suggest to use a single table just for these articles. If you don't know how to do this, just check the source of my homepage and search for php. You will find it fitted in a table. Congratulations!! You have improved your web site content which will certainly be visited more often by every search engine.

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