Saturday, August 27, 2016

Is making money online as easy as it sounds

According to many websites and advertisements making money online is very easy to do. It seems that wherever one turns these days someone is trying to convince the masses how easy it is to earn an extra income. If you are a subscriber to a newsletter you will no doubt have received many emails from the gurus telling you that this product or that software is the next best thing to owning your own atm. Terms like ‘avalanche of cash,’ ‘floods of traffic’ and ‘mountains of moolar’ are thrown around like Frisbees. Unfortunately there are hundreds of people out there who see these ads and fall for the million dollar sales copy. The so-called gurus make it sound so easy it seems so simple. Spend a few minutes in any marketing forum and you will see dozens of people complaining about how they signed up for this or that program a week ago and want to know why they have not made enough money to retire yet. So who’s to blame for the 95% failure rate of online businesses? The old saying (There are two sides to every story) definitely applies here. Lets break it down into to categories. The Consumers These are the regular Joes looking for ways to make extra money. One of the reasons for the high failure rate is attitude. It may sound like an over simplification of a large problem but the evidence is clear. The average person surfing online wants to make money. In these times the modern culture is one of impatience. We know what we want and we want it now! Consequently if someone is ordering a burger they want it to their required standard as quickly as possible and unfortunately many people feel the same about starting an online business. More often than not the attitude adopted is all-wrong from the start. Therefore the reason for failure is not that the business does not work, it’s the owner that does not work. The business owner went into the program with the wrong attitude i. e. expecting to be turning a profit within a couple of weeks so the work needed to grow the business was not put in. Almost everything else in life comes so quickly it is expected that profiting from a business will happen quickly as well. The Marketers There are far too many unscrupulous so-called marketers online literally lying through there teeth to make money. These are the guys that exaggerate beyond all comprehension. All over the Internet ads that claim you can make ($1000 in the next fifteen minutes) can be seen. These are the few that make it difficult for the majority by making promises that they cannot possibly keep. Thankfully not all marketers are the same and the good do outweigh the bad. There are those who try to educate people as well as market to them. Educating consumers is vital. Any good marketers understands that it is imperative to get their visitors to fully understand what they will be getting into when they begin their businesses. So. Who really is to blame for the high failure rate of Internet marketers? Honestly the fault lies with both consumers and markers. Building a strong profitable online home business takes time and a great deal of work. Do not fall for the hype. If it were that easy everyone would be rich and getting sun tanned on private secluded beaches. If you are looking for ways to earn money fast, do not look online. Internet marketing is an industry just like any other, it must be learnt before it can be applied. If you are not willing to take the time and money needed to learn then it is not for you. Oh yes, money, do not think because a business is online it will be free to start-up and maintain. No business online will last without advertising. There are some great free ways to get exposure but at the same time there are some advertising techniques that are extremely powerful but costly. The key to starting a business is to do some research, get as much information as possible before joining or parting with your money. Most importantly understand that becoming successful takes time, perseverance, determination and just a little luck.

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